Vietnam War Poetry
by: Jerre D. Divelbiss
© Copyright (2001)


As I lay here, unsure what has happened to me
For not a sound did the bullet make, only a stinging in my chest
I reach out for you through the sheath of coming darkness
Your spirit is there and yet it evade my grasp
I plunge deeper into the darkness
I am searching for you now with more haste
I stumble among the carnage
The pungent stench of despair overwhelms my soul
Fear overcomes me now for I feel your spirit dissipating
dissipating back into the realm of which it came
I call out and my voice echoes loud within my head
but I make no audible sound
I return from whence I came
Knowing now that death is taking me away
I am left alone to lay here in the darkness
My hope waning, my despair growing
Then the darkness fades and there you are
Dress in a white gown with bright lights all around
You reach out for me and I feel safe in your arms
No longer does fear engulf my soul
No longer do I feel the burning in my chest
I feel a peace that I have never known before
Now I can go knowing you are there.